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For Self-Discovery & Personal Growth
What is Tarot

What is Tarot?

(Hint: It's probably not what you think)

By definition, Tarot card reading uses tarot cards to gain insight into the past, present, or future events based on the person's current path at the time of the reading. It helps achieve greater control over issues involving relationships, opportunities, and life changes. Readings can be open (focused on an area of life such as love, health, career, etc.) or a specific question. 


I use Reiki during all my Tarot readings, and my deck is infused with Reiki's loving energy. That's because positive intentions, in approaches to Tarot, matter so much. 

Does Tarot predict the future? 

Readings aren't intended to foretell the future but rather take a closer look at past patterns that may be relevant to your current path. Tarot is simply a tool for guidance that enables the person receiving the reading to connect to their inner wisdom. 

Tarot can also help us make those big life decisions by helping ease some of this stress by guiding us to see all angles from many different perspectives. A Tarot reading may be all that's needed to make a decision in a more balanced and positive way.  


You may also find this article informative - "How to Use Tarot for Self Discovery and Personal Growth"

Benefits of Tarot


By examining things from different angles, you’re able to develop more thoughtful ways to problem-solve.


We are reminded that lows in life mean there’s an opportunity to grow as a person. 


Provides an honest outlook on your life, which can be essential in making the right life choices.


Focus on Improvement 
Help us identify which aspects of our lives need a bit of love and nurturing while giving us a nudge in the right direction.


Peace of Mind
It can help us overcome the fear and worry about the unknown to achieve a sense of calm.


It encourages us to clear away negative energy and gives us the motivation to take positive risks.


A Sense of Control
Gives the power of awareness, which in turn gives us control over the option to shift direction. 



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Benefits of Using Tarot

Are There Any "Bad" Cards

Many people believe that some cards are too scary to risk doing a Tarot reading. But the truth is not as it seems when it comes to card meanings. Pulling a Death or a Devil card isn't at all what the card implies (no, you're not dying!) but can be understandably disconcerting. 


There are very few things in this universe that are all "bad" or all "good," and Tarot cards are no exception. Just as every person's life experiences trials and low periods, no person's life is "bad" due to them. It's how a person handles what the universe throws at them that determines the end result. Everything we experience is a moment for growth, and Tarot is an exceptional tool to remind us how a particular situation can do that. It shows us the way through and encourages a healthy mindset through all of life's challenges. There are no "bad" readings. Merely opportunities for growth, reflection, and introspection to improve your situation and your life.

Are there Bad Tarot Cards: The Devil
Are there Bad Tarot Cards: Death
Are there Bad Tarot Cards: 3 of Swords

What to Expect in a Distance Tarot Reading?

Just as with Reiki, Tarot works with a person's energy, which can be done in person or from any distance. 


All that's required is a picture of your face (unfiltered) and a few minutes by messenger or text to chat ahead of time. If there is a specific question you'd like an answer to, let me know ahead of time by message. Otherwise, we'll connect by phone at the time of your reading interpretation, and I'll go over the cards I drew and their meaning. We can discuss any questions you have at that time. 


I start with a 3 card spread reading for your recent past, present, and near future. Often, additional cards are pulled to clarify the reading. I continue to pull cards until I feel the message is complete and clear. I will also provide you with an audio copy of the call or, if you prefer, a written transcript of the call, to reference and reflect on later.


I draw the cards for the reading prior to our call, not live, and go over those results with you on a phone call. The date you schedule from the "Book Now" section is for that call. Cards have many interpretations and through meditation prior to our scheduled call, I determine the best interpretation meant for you. I will call on your guardians to guide me to the best possible message for you in THIS moment.


If you have questions prior to the call or want more information before you're ready to book the appointment, send an email or chat live from this webpage.

Services & Pricing

Tarot Reading General


3 Card Spread - Distance Reading

Tarot can be done from any distance. All that's required is an unfiltered picture of your face. A general reading is open for your guardian angels to send the information you most need to focus on. At the time of your reading interpretation, we'll connect by phone to go over the cards and their meaning. You will also receive a copy of the transcript of our conversation to reference and reflect on later.


NOTE: Please schedule your reading a minimum of one week from today's date.



per reading

Tarot Reading Career & Money


3 Card Spread - Distance Reading

Tarot can be done from any distance. All that's required is an unfiltered picture of your face and any specific question you'd like answered related to career or money. At the time of your reading interpretation, we'll connect by phone to go over the cards and their meaning. You will also receive a copy of the transcript of our conversation to reference and reflect on later.


NOTE: Please schedule your reading a minimum of one week from today's date.



per reading

Tarot Reading Love & Relationships


3 Card Spread - Distance Reading

Tarot can be done from any distance. All that's required is an unfiltered picture of your face and any specific question you'd like answered related to love or relationships. At the time of your reading interpretation, we'll connect by phone to go over the cards and their meaning. You will also receive a copy of the transcript of our conversation to reference and reflect on later.


NOTE: Please schedule your reading a minimum of one week from today's date.



per reading

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